Project Server 2013: Can’t save a Resource in PWA

When trying to save a Resource in PWA, you get the message:

The resource could not be saved due to the following reasons: A resource availability contour cannot go outside the range of the resource’s earliest and latest availability dates.

2015-06-15 16_49_12-Standard - ASG-Remote Desktop 2012 - __Remote
When you open the Resource in Project Professional 2013 and have look at the “Resource Information”, the “Resource Availablity” under the “General”-Tab looks quite strange, like this:

2015-06-15 16_14_51-Standard - ASG-Remote Desktop 2012 - __Remote

Saving the Resource in Project Professional 2013 works without any problems, just to mention that.

In order to be able to save the Resource in the PWA again, open the user for editing in PWA and remove the “Earliest Available” and “Latest Available” dates:


2015-06-23 15_10_28-mc0wf3cc - Remotedesktopverbindung



2015-06-23 15_11_18-mc0wf3cc - Remotedesktopverbindung


Save the Resource, then open it for editing again and re-enter the dates you just deleted.

Save your changes.

If you open the Resource in Project Professional 2013 now and have a look at the “Resource Availability”, it looks quite right again:

2015-06-15 16_16_35-Standard - ASG-Remote Desktop 2012 - __Remote


Please note: If this procedure does not work, delete all lines in “Resource Availability” (you can only do that in Project Professional 2013) and save the changes. Editing in PWA should work now.


EDIT 2016-05-04: Anscheinend hat Microsoft dieses Problem inzwischen auch erkannt:


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