I have a simple problem I wanted to solve: Play a certain radio station on one of my Google Nest Minis when I plug it into the socket. You could also say, resume playing on power up, or restart playing on power up.
I did not find a way to do it, until I recently found Lyrion Music Server (formerly Logitech Media Server). Usually you use this for Squeezebox devices from Logitech.
But there is a plugin called Chromecast bridge or CastBridge – just search for it and install it, start it. If one of your Chromecast devices connects to the network it will automatically be found. I was really surprised that there was no further configuration necessary you can just play music instantly on your Nest device.
There are a few options on how to start music again when the device powers on, one is in the player settings (choose your favorite option here):
That worked very well for me in one deployment, in another deployment it was necessary to set auto_play to 1 in the CastBridge config file. You can view it here:
I edited in the terminal via vi or nano – or your default editor. Happy listening!